
Dentistry Services

Dentists are responsible for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the mouth, including diseases related to the teeth and their supporting structures. 

A dentist also treats malformations of the jaws, misaligned teeth, and birth anomalies of the mouth like cleft palates. 

Gum Disease/Gingivitis

Gum disease is an infection of the gums around your teeth. This is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. Studies have also shown that gum disease is linked to heart disease. Gum disease can affect anyone, but it’s most common in adults over 30. 

Smoking contributes greatly to its prevalence. You are at greater risk if you have diabetes and dry mouth. 

You might notice symptoms such as:

  • Bad breath
  • Gums that are red, swollen, tender, or bleeding
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Pain when chewing
  • Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease. 
  • Gingivitis and periodontitis can be prevented with regular dental checkups, brushing, and flossing.

If you have any signs of gum disease, see your dentist. Treatment may prevent problems such as tooth loss.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious and deadly disease. This disease affects millions of people and tends to be more common after 40.In the United States, someone dies from oral cancer every hour. This disease is often curable if it’s diagnosed and treated in its early stages.

The biggest risk factors are:

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Alcohol use
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Symptoms of mouth or throat cancer include:

  • Sores
  • Lumps
  • Rough areas in the mouth
  • Change in your bite
  • An inability to chew or move your tongue or jawDental visits are crucial to detecting oral cancer in its early stages. 

Ask your dentist whether an oral cancer examination is part of their routine checkups.

Mouth Sores

There are several types of mouth sores that can be bothersome. Unless they last more than two weeks, they’re usually nothing to worry about.Common mouth sores include:

Canker Sores (Aphthous Ulcers)

They occur within the mouth rather than on the lips. They aren’t contagious and can be triggered by a variety of factors.

Fever Blisters/Cold Sores

They are caused by the Herpes simplex virus and occur on the outer lip margins. They can be contagious. They come and go, but they cannot be cured.

Thrush (Oral Candidiasis)

Sores caused by yeast infection can develop in infants, denture wearers, people with diabetes, and cancer patients.

Tooth Sensitivity

Having sensitive teeth is a common problem. Millions of people suffer from it. Symptoms of sensitive teeth include:

  • Sweets
  • Cold air
  • Hot drinks
  • Cold drinks

It can be painful to brush and floss sensitive teeth. 
However, sensitive teeth can be treated. It is possible that sensitivity is a sign of a cracked or abscessed tooth. Dentists need to treat these conditions. You risk losing a tooth or getting an infection in your jaw bone if you don’t.  Contact your dentist for more information.

Tooth Erosion

The loss of tooth structure is called tooth erosion. Acid attacks the enamel and erodes it.There are a variety of symptoms, ranging from sensitivity to more severe problems, such as cracking. It is easy to prevent tooth erosion with proper oral care.

Cleft Palate

Cleft palates occur when tissue fails to fuse together in the womb, resulting in an opening or split in the roof of the mouth. 

There is a high likelihood that a cleft palate will include a split (cleft) in the upper lip (cleft lip), but it can also occur without affecting the lip.

Root Canal

Root canals are dental procedures in which the tooth’s pulp is removed. Pulp is composed of nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels that help the tooth grow.A general dentist or endodontist usually performs a root canal while you’re under local anesthesia.

Dentistry Fields

Dentistry includes many specialties and subspecialties, including orthodontics, dental orthopedics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral and maxillofacial pathology, endodontics, public health dentistry, and oral and maxillofacial radiology.

Orthodontics And Dental Orthopedics

Anyone who had braces as a child or teen knows what orthodontists do. But an orthodontist’s practice extends beyond correcting irregular dental development to addressing and preventing problems caused by missing teeth and other anomalies. Their aim is to restore patients’ oral health and appearance.

Orthodontics is a well-known treatment in dentistry. In Greek, “ortho” means “straight” and “dontics” means “related to teeth”. This procedure is used to correct misaligned teeth, overbite, underbite, gaps or crooked teeth, as well as other dental structure-related issues. 

To straighten the teeth and jaws, braces or aligners are applied. This allows patients to achieve the desired bite and smile. In addition, it prevents further damage to teeth and jaws caused by misaligned teeth.

Dentofacial orthopedics also addresses all the issues mentioned above. Furthermore, it can be used to treat and manage jaw positions related to the skull. ”Dento” stands for teeth, and ”facial” stands for the face. Dentofacial orthopedics can control the growth of facial bones and the jaw as well. As the jaws and bones are still growing, this process is best performed during childhood. Some appliances can be used to help kids achieve a proper bite and smile. In adults, minor surgery may be required.

Pediatric Dentistry

A pediatric dentist is a dentist who specializes in the care of children. They perform many of the same procedures a dentist does, but specialize in helping children through the procedure.


A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, or gum disease, as well as the placement of dental implants. 

A periodontist receives extensive training in both of these areas as well as three additional years of education after dental school.

For more challenging periodontal cases, some general dentists refer their patients to periodontists. 

In the same way, although some general dentists perform dental implant procedures, many will refer their patients to periodontists for more complicated implant cases.

Periodontists offer a range of specialized services beyond the challenging periodontal and implant cases they handle. 

Among them are scaling and root planing (in which the infected surface of a tooth’s root is cleaned), root surface debridement (in which damaged root tissue is removed), oral inflammation treatment, and cosmetic periodontal procedures.


Endodontists are highly trained dental specialists. 

Endodontists specialize in dealing with complex tooth problems that primarily affect the tooth pulp. 

They use advanced techniques to treat the tooth pulp and root tissues. 

Whenever possible, these specialists strive to relieve your toothache while preserving your natural tooth.

“Pulp” refers to the nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues deep inside the tooth. 

The part of your teeth that you see in the mirror is actually an outer layer called enamel.

Children’s teeth develop as they grow thanks to the pulp, or connective tissue, inside them.

A cracked tooth or decaying teeth can cause pulpitis (an inflamed or infected tooth pulp).

There is often a painful toothache (toothache) associated with pulpitis. 

Sometimes it can lead to a serious health problem that requires immediate medical attention.

Oral And Maxillofacial Radiology

Dental and maxillofacial radiology involves the production and interpretation of radiographic images, including CT and MRI scans, used to diagnose and treat diseases, disorders, and conditions affecting the mouth, face, jaw, and skull.

Dental radiologists deal with conditions affecting the head, neck, face, and jaws by analyzing radiographic images. 

A dentist must complete a residency program accredited by the American Dental Association in order to become an OMR. 

Training includes knowledge of the techniques and interpretations for maxillofacial CTs, CBCTs, MRIs, ultrasounds and other relevant scans and procedures.

Dentistry Frequently Asked Questions

You can treat gingivitis at home and with good dental care from your dentist. 

It is possible for gingivitis to go away, but it may return if you do not maintain proper home oral hygiene.

Generally, gingivitis clears up within 10 to 14 days. 

Treatment may take longer if your gingivitis is more severe. 

You can prevent gingivitis from returning by keeping your dental health in check.

An infection of the gums usually leads to gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gums. 

When left untreated, it can turn into a more serious infection called periodontitis.

Oral cavity cancer originates in the mouth. Another name for it is oral cancer. 

In the middle part of the throat just behind the oral cavity, which can be seen when the mouth is open, is where oropharyngeal cancer begins. 

Cancer occurs when cells in the body begin to grow out of control.

A common cause of mouth sores is biting your lip, tongue, or cheek. Braces or other orthodontic devices can also cause irritation. The use of hard-bristled toothbrushes or brushing your teeth too hard can also cause irritation.

A doctor should be consulted if you experience unusually large canker sores, recurring sores with new ones developing before old ones heal, or persistent sores lasting two weeks or more.

Dental erosion, also called tooth erosion, is caused by exposure to acids not derived from oral bacteria.

Fillings for minor enamel erosion and decay, often localized in one area, crowns for major decay spots too large for fillings, and dental bonding to protect multiple teeth surfaces are among the most common treatments.

Tooth sensitivity is unlikely to go away on its own. 

In the event that your teeth are feeling sensitive, you should visit your dentist and have your oral health checked. 

Do not ignore the issue and hope that it will go away on its own. 

Your dentist can determine the cause and recommend treatment.

Wear and tear on your tooth enamel or exposed nerves in your teeth can cause tooth sensitivity. 

When you consume something with an extremely low or high temperature, you may feel a sudden, sharp flash of pain.

Modern endodontic techniques and local anesthesia make root canals no more painful than filling a cavity. 

Patients report feeling comfortable throughout their procedure, feeling pressure and movement at times, but no pain.

Root canal recovery time is typically less than a week. 

There may be mild discomfort for a few days, but it can be managed with medication. 

Call your healthcare provider if you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort that lasts more than a week.