Cardiology Care

Cardiology care is a specialized medical discipline that focuses on diagnosing and treating cardiovascular diseases, including heart, artery, and vein conditions.

With advancements in technology and the expertise of experienced cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, patients can receive comprehensive cardiac care at PromiseCare.

PromiseCare offers various cardiology services, including cardiac stress testing, echocardiograms, and nuclear cardiology stress testing. 

These can help diagnose and treat different heart conditions, such as artery blockages leading to heart disease or heart attack.

At PromiseCare, patients receive compassionate and comprehensive care for their heart and vascular conditions.

Our team of cardiology experts works diligently to provide innovative solutions to patients’ unique health needs.

With a focus on quality care and patient-centered treatment, PromiseCare is committed to improving the lives of those with cardiovascular diseases.

Patients can trust that they will receive the highest level of care and support throughout their treatment journey, enabling them to achieve optimal health outcomes and a better quality of life.


Cardiology is a branch of medicine that deals with diagnosing and treating heart and cardiovascular diseases. 

Cardiology has evolved significantly over the years, with a range of diagnostic tools and procedures available for assessing the heart’s health. 

These tests and procedures are crucial in identifying and managing cardiovascular conditions, one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

Heart disease is a significant health risk, with obesity being a major contributing factor. 

In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in the prevalence of obesity, leading to a rise in a range of health problems, including heart disease.

Cardiology care is vital in managing these conditions, with various diagnostic tests and procedures available to assess and treat heart disease. 

These include ECG or EKG tracings, echocardiograms, nuclear cardiology stress testing, and more.

Cardiology care is essential for maintaining heart health and preventing cardiovascular disease. 

Cardiologists use various diagnostic tools and procedures to assess the heart’s health and identify potential risk factors for heart disease. 

In addition to diagnostic tests, cardiologists also provide a range of treatment options, including medication, lifestyle changes, and surgery, to manage heart conditions effectively.

With the increasing prevalence of heart disease and obesity, cardiology care has become essential to maintaining overall health.

It is essential to seek regular cardiology check-ups and follow the advice of cardiologists to maintain heart health and prevent the onset of heart disease.

What Does The Department Do?

The Cardiology Department specializes in diagnosing and treating various cardiovascular conditions in adults. 

Led by experienced cardiologists, the department provides cutting-edge technologies and procedures to assess and address the needs of patients with cardiac problems. 

The goal is to improve patients’ outcomes by offering accurate and effective care for their conditions.

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, with heart attack and stroke being the most common causes of mortality. 

Therefore, the department is committed to providing comprehensive care to patients with chronic diseases like heart failure, coronary artery disease, and arrhythmias. 

We aim to improve patients’ quality of life and reduce the risk of future cardiac events using state-of-the-art technology and innovative treatment strategies.

Patients who come to the department receive individualized care tailored to their needs and circumstances. 

This includes thoroughly evaluating their medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic testing to determine the underlying cause of their cardiac symptoms. 

The cardiologist will then work with the patient to develop a personalized treatment plan, including medication, lifestyle changes, or procedures such as angioplasty, stenting, or cardiac surgery.

The cardiology team’s ultimate goal is to help patients lead healthier, happier lives by improving their cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of future cardiac events.

How We Help Our Patients

The field of cardiology is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including heart, artery, and vein conditions.

PromiseCare offers a range of specialized testing and treatment options to help our patients achieve optimal heart health.

Our team of professionals is committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive patient care and support, from diagnosis to treatment request and beyond.


Accurate diagnosis through specialized testing is crucial in managing cardiovascular disease, providing patients with the necessary information to make informed decisions about their health and treatment options.

The following list highlights some of the essential diagnostic tests that can aid in the evaluation of cardiovascular disease:

  • BMI Calculation: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple way to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems. BMI calculations can estimate body fat and are often used with other diagnostic tests to evaluate cardiovascular risk.
  • Blood Tests: Blood tests can be used to measure cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and glucose to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular disease. These tests can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatments and identify potential adverse outcomes.
  • Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: Risk assessment tools can be used to evaluate a patient’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease. These tools consider factors such as age, sex, family history, and lifestyle habits to determine a patient’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Real-World Evidence: Real-world evidence can be used to identify patterns and trends in managing cardiovascular disease. This evidence can be used to determine selection bias in clinical trials and help healthcare providers make informed decisions about treatment options.


These tests can provide patients with valuable information about their health and help healthcare providers make informed decisions about treatment options. 

By using these tests, healthcare providers can work to improve patient outcomes and reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease, particularly among women who are often underrepresented in clinical trials.

Treatment Request

Specialized treatment options are available for managing cardiovascular diseases and reducing the risk of cardiovascular events. 

Treatment requests can vary depending on the individual’s condition and medical history. 

These requests may include medication management, lifestyle changes, or surgical interventions such as angioplasty or bypass surgery.

Patients must work closely with their healthcare providers to determine the best course of treatment for their condition. 

Real-world evidence has shown that proper cardiology care can significantly reduce the risk of death and complications associated with cardiovascular diseases. 

Early intervention, regular monitoring, and individualized treatment plans can help patients manage their condition and improve their overall health and well-being.

Hospitals with comprehensive cardiology programs provide acute healthcare services, cardiac rehabilitation programs, and patient and family education and support. 

By prioritizing cardiovascular care, hospitals can help patients live longer, healthier lives and reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases on individuals and society.

Patient Care & Support

Patients with cardiovascular diseases can benefit significantly from comprehensive patient care and support programs. 

These programs include acute healthcare services, cardiac rehabilitation programs, and education and support for patients and their families.

Such programs aim to provide patients with the necessary tools to manage their conditions effectively, reduce the risk of complications and hospital admissions, and ultimately reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular events.

Acute healthcare services, such as those offered by PromiseCare, provide a range of diagnostic tests and treatment options to manage cardiovascular diseases.

However, it is equally essential to provide patients with ongoing support and education to manage their conditions effectively. 

Cardiac rehabilitation programs, for example, provide tailored exercise programs, nutrition counseling, and education on prescribed medications.

Such programs have reduced the risk of cardiovascular events, hospital admissions, and death.

Overall, comprehensive patient care and support programs are crucial in managing cardiovascular diseases and reducing the burden of these conditions on patients and their families.

When To See A Doctor

Recognizing the importance of early detection and prompt medical attention, individuals who experience chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations should seek medical evaluation to determine if further diagnostic testing is needed. 

These symptoms may indicate underlying heart disease or a heart attack, and prompt medical attention can mean the difference between life and death.

High cardiovascular-risk individuals, such as those with a family history of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol, must be especially vigilant in monitoring their symptoms and seeking medical attention when necessary.

Diagnostic tests are crucial in identifying heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. 

Various tests are available, ranging from non-invasive procedures such as echocardiograms and EKGs to more invasive procedures such as angiograms and cardiac catheterizations. 

These tests can diagnose heart disease, evaluate the extent of damage to the heart, and determine the best course of treatment.

Inpatient admissions may be necessary for individuals with severe symptoms or those undergoing surgery or rehabilitation.

It is important to note that not all heart disease symptoms are apparent. 

Some individuals may experience atypical symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, or dizziness. 

Women, in particular, may experience different symptoms than men. 

Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to any changes in one’s physical condition and seek medical attention if necessary.

Individuals with heart disease can lead healthy and productive lives with timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Diagnostic tests are crucial in identifying and evaluating heart disease, providing insight into the extent of damage to the heart, and determining the best course of treatment, enabling individuals to lead healthy and productive lives. 

These tests are vital for individuals at high cardiovascular risk, such as those with a family history of heart disease, obesity, or high blood pressure.

Symptoms of heart disease can include chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue, but some individuals may not experience any symptoms. 

Therefore, it is crucial to undergo diagnostic tests, even if you feel healthy.

Several tests can diagnose heart disease, including electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, and stress tests. 

  • Electrocardiograms measure the heart’s electrical activity and can identify abnormalities. 
  • Echocardiograms use sound waves to create images of the heart, allowing doctors to see structural abnormalities. 
  • Stress tests involve monitoring the heart’s response to physical activity and reveal blood flow issues. 
  • Blood tests can measure cholesterol and other indicators of heart disease.


It is important to note that diagnostic tests are not a one-time event but rather an ongoing analysis period to monitor the progression of heart disease. 

If you have been diagnosed with heart disease, your doctor may recommend regular cardiac assessments to monitor your condition and ensure your treatment plan is effective.

By undergoing regular diagnostic tests and following your treatment plan, you can manage your heart disease and improve your overall health and quality of life.


Consultations are essential to cardiology care as they allow for the evaluation and diagnosis of cardiovascular conditions.

During the consultation, the cardiologist will ask detailed questions about the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle.

Based on this information, the cardiologist may order specialized testing to determine the best treatment plan for the patient.

Overall, consultations allow patients to receive personalized care and develop a comprehensive understanding of their cardiovascular health.


Evaluation of cardiology care offers a wide range of diagnostic tests and monitoring procedures that can be used to assess the health of the cardiovascular system. 

These tests can also determine appropriate treatment options for heart disease or high cardiovascular-risk patients.

In the current pandemic era, where interrupted health systems are causing delays in diagnosis and treatment, real-world evidence is becoming increasingly important. 

By analyzing patient data over an extended analysis period, it is possible to identify trends and patterns that may be associated with obesity, hypertension, and other risk factors. 

This information can be used to prevent complications and improve patient outcomes.

Evaluation is also essential for patients already diagnosed with heart disease. 

Regular cardiac monitoring can help identify changes in heart function that may require adjustments in treatment or lifestyle modifications. 

In addition, patients who have undergone cardiac procedures, such as angioplasty or stent placement, may require ongoing monitoring to ensure the devices function correctly.


At PromiseCare, we focus on identifying the underlying causes of cardiovascular issues through various diagnostic tests and procedures, providing a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s condition, and facilitating the development of personalized treatment plans.

Cardiac diagnosis involves a range of tests, such as electrocardiograms (ECGs), echocardiograms, and nuclear stress tests, which allow doctors to evaluate the function of the heart and blood vessels. 

These tests help to detect any limitations in blood flow, abnormal heart rhythms, or blockages in the arteries that could lead to a heart attack.

Diagnosis is essential for patients of an average age or older experiencing symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. 

An accurate and timely diagnosis is critical for determining the appropriate treatment plan, including medication, lifestyle changes, surgery, or rehabilitation.

By identifying the root cause of the problem, doctors can help patients manage their condition and reduce the risk of future complications.

Request For A Treatment Plan

To develop personalized treatment plans for patients with cardiovascular issues, requesting a comprehensive treatment plan that considers the results of diagnostic tests and procedures is essential.

Cardiac symptoms can vary significantly among patients, and the average age of patients with cardiovascular issues is decreasing. 

Therefore, it is crucial to tailor treatment plans to each patient, considering their unique medical history, lifestyle, and preferences.

While diagnostic tests and procedures provide essential information for developing treatment plans, they also have limitations. 

For example, stress tests can only offer a snapshot of a patient’s cardiovascular health at a particular moment and may not detect all potential issues.

Additionally, real-world evidence suggests that women and minorities may be underdiagnosed for cardiovascular issues, highlighting the importance of personalized treatment plans considering a patient’s unique circumstances.

By working closely with patients to develop comprehensive treatment plans that address both short-term and long-term needs, healthcare providers can ensure that patients receive the best possible care, whether through medication, surgery, rehabilitation, or other interventions.


Various diagnostic tests and procedures are available to treat cardiovascular diseases, including stress testing, computer tomographic angiography, Doppler study, ECG or EKG tracings, echocardiogram, event monitoring, Holter monitoring, pacemaker clinic, and nuclear cardiology or nuclear stress testing. 

These tests are essential to determine the best treatment plan for each patient.

  • Stress testing can reveal blood supply abnormalities or heart rhythm not seen at rest. 
  • Computer tomographic angiography is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that visualizes the heart and coronary circulation and can help diagnose vascular diseases such as coronary artery disease and aneurysms.
  • Doppler study uses special tools to detect the presence or absence of flow in blood vessels through the skin. 
  • ECG or EKG tracings record the electrical activity of the heart muscle and rhythm while the patient is lying down at rest. 
  • Holter monitoring provides continuous recording of the heart’s electrical activity for 24 hours or more to determine abnormalities.
  • Nuclear cardiology or nuclear stress testing is a diagnostic tool that injects a harmless radioactive tracer and a gamma camera to visualize the blood supply to the heart muscle at work and rest. 
  • A pacemaker clinic is a specialized clinic that evaluates each pacemaker to ensure its proper functioning.


These tests are crucial for patients over 50 at higher risk of heart disease. 

Symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats should not be ignored and should prompt further testing. 

However, these tests have limitations, and real-world evidence is needed to ensure their effectiveness in treating patients with cardiovascular disease.

In addition to diagnostic tests, treatments for cardiovascular disease may include medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes. 

  • Beta-blockers and statins can help control blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 
  • Surgery for severe cases, such as coronary artery bypass grafting or valve replacement, may be necessary. 
  • Lifestyle changes are crucial, such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and smoking cessation.


A comprehensive approach that includes diagnostic testing and appropriate treatment is necessary to achieve better outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease.


Diagnostic tests and treatments are essential in managing cardiovascular disease, and the current section will focus on discussing various procedures available for patients. 

These procedures aim to diagnose and treat different aspects of cardiac health, including:

  • Cardiac stress testing
  • Computer tomographic angiography
  • Doppler study
  • ECG or EKG tracings
  • Echocardiogram
  • Event monitoring
  • Holter monitoring
  • Nuclear cardiology or nuclear stress testing
  • Pacemaker clinic


These procedures help doctors determine the best course of treatment for each patient, whether medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes.

Cardiac stress testing is commonly used to evaluate the heart’s function under different stress levels. 

This test can help diagnose heart disease or heart attack risk by revealing abnormalities in the blood supply to the heart muscle or heart rhythm.

Similarly, computer tomographic angiography uses advanced imaging technology to visualize the heart, aorta, lungs, and coronary circulation, allowing doctors to diagnose and evaluate vascular diseases such as coronary artery disease.

On the other hand, the Doppler study uses a tool that detects blood flow in blood vessels through the skin. This test can help diagnose circulatory problems and blood clots.

Other procedures, such as ECG or EKG tracings, echocardiogram, event monitoring, and Holter monitoring, focus on recording the electrical activity of the heart muscle and rhythm. These tests help doctors evaluate heart function and diagnose heart conditions such as arrhythmias or heart valve problems.

Finally, the pacemaker clinic is a specialized service that evaluates and monitors patients with pacemakers, a device used to regulate the heartbeat.

These procedures are essential in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease. While each procedure has limitations, doctors use real-world evidence and patients’ symptoms to determine the most effective treatment plan for each individual. 

With the average age of heart disease patients decreasing, these procedures will continue to be crucial in managing cardiac health.

Patient Resources

This section provides patients with information and resources to understand better and manage their cardiac health with PromiseCare, which offers various diagnostic and treatment services for coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular conditions.

PromiseCare offers a comprehensive program to help patients recover from coronary artery disease and cardiothoracic surgical procedures. 

Our team includes registered nurses, dieticians, and licensed clinical social workers. 

A physician is always available to address concerns. 

The program also provides education and support for lifestyle changes promoting heart health.

PromiseCare offers advanced diagnostic and treatment services for coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular conditions. 

Our team includes cardiologists and cardiac surgeons who use state-of-the-art technology and rigorous safety protocols to provide the best care possible. 

Our program offers various services, including screening and diagnostic tests, advanced medical and surgical treatments, and cardiac rehabilitation and education programs.

Real-world evidence shows that early detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. 

Patients should be aware of the symptoms of heart disease, which can include chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. 

Patients with a family history of heart disease or other risk factors, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, should talk to their healthcare provider about getting screened for cardiovascular disease.

While advances in cardiac care have improved patient outcomes, treatment still has limitations. 

The average age of patients undergoing cardiac surgery is increasing, and these patients may have coexisting medical conditions that can complicate their care. 

Patients should work closely with their healthcare providers to manage their cardiac health and make lifestyle changes that promote heart health. 

Access to patient resources can help patients achieve their goals and improve their outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cardiology Care

The cost of a regular treadmill stress test can vary depending on the location and healthcare provider. 

It is essential to check with your insurance provider to see if the test is covered and what the out-of-pocket costs may be.

Additionally, some healthcare facilities may offer discounts or payment plans for patients who are uninsured or have financial hardship. 

It is crucial to prioritize your health and discuss any concerns or financial limitations with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for your individual needs.

Nuclear stress testing is a diagnostic tool used to evaluate the blood flow to the heart muscle, and it involves injecting a harmless radioactive tracer and using a gamma camera to produce images of the heart at work (exercise) and rest.

There are no age restrictions for undergoing this test, as it is suitable for patients of all ages who are physically able to exercise on a treadmill.

However, patients with certain medical conditions, such as severe lung disease or arthritis, may not be able to perform the exercise portion of the test and may require an alternative method of inducing stress, such as medication.

It is essential to follow the specific preparation instructions provided by your healthcare provider to ensure the accuracy of the test results.

The pacemaker clinic is an essential aspect of cardiac care that aims to evaluate and monitor the functioning of pacemakers. 

Attending the pacemaker clinic regularly can help ensure the pacemaker is functioning correctly and that any necessary adjustments or replacements are made promptly.

The frequency of attending the pacemaker clinic depends on individual needs and the healthcare provider’s recommendation. 

It is crucial to follow the healthcare provider’s advice on how often to participate in the pacemaker clinic to ensure proper functioning and prevent any complications that may arise due to an inadequate follow-up.

The waiting period for enrolling in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program varies depending on the specific program and the patient’s needs.

Typically, patients can begin rehabilitation within a few weeks to a few months after cardiac events, such as a heart attack or surgery.

The program is designed to help patients recover from coronary artery disease and cardiothoracic surgical procedures. 

It includes registered nurses, a registered dietitian, and a licensed clinical social worker, with a physician available at all times.

Our program offers personalized services to help patients improve their overall heart health and reduce the risk of future cardiac events.

Patients are encouraged to discuss their needs and goals with their healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for their rehabilitation.

Patients may wonder if they can request a specific cardiologist for their treatment. 

While it is understandable to have preferences for healthcare providers, it may not always be possible to see a particular cardiologist due to scheduling or availability.

However, patients can communicate their preferences to their healthcare provider and work with them to find a cardiologist who best fits their needs. 

It is vital to prioritize finding a highly qualified cardiologist and experienced in treating the patient’s specific condition rather than focusing solely on personal preferences.

Ultimately, the goal is to receive the best care and treatment outcomes.